Feedback From Our Mentoring An Apprentice Workshops

By Sam Moore

Dynamic Training has been hosting online workshops for line managers to help support apprentices during their apprenticeship programme. These online workshops have been a great success, with line managrs feeling they are a massive help to them. In this article, we will take a look at the feedback we have recieved. 

This blog post is also the first in our series around Mentoring In The Workplace. To see more blog posts around this subject, please keep an eye on our blog and follow us on LinedIn and Facebook.


What Are The Mentoring An Apprentice Workshops?

Assigning a workplace mentor is a powerful tool which can ensure learners settle into their role quickly and thrive in the workplace. Mentoring is a highly valuable development process and at its core, it's the relationship between the mentor and the mentee where the development of the learner is the key focus.

For line managers and nominated mentors, we offer a complimentary one-time Mentoring Your Apprentice workshop, available on a monthly rotation. The workshop will help line managers and mentors develop the skills needed to successfully support an apprentice, consider how to implement an apprenticeship mentoring programme in an organisation, conduct mentoring sessions using proven models and techniques, review progress, and form working relationships.


What Have Those Who Have Taken Part In The Training Had To Say?

All those who took part in the workshops were asked for their thoughts so that we can continue to improve the training. The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive, with a lot of great feedback about how this training will aid line managers in supporting and mentoring their apprentices.

Lets take a look at some of the feedback we received!


What Did You Learn From Your Training?

"How to best support my apprentice."

"How I can more effectively mentor not only apprentices but colleagues or anyone. "

"The importance of providing a clear guideline for our new apprentice starters."

"Importance of providing support and assuring time is given for the new starters."

"That it's always good to have time to stop and think about the learner when we are so busy and overwhelmed with day to day tasks."

"To have an action plan going forward for mentoring apprentices.

"To always gain feed back from my learners."

"How to apply the right training skills on to my mentees."

"What a mentor is/is not and the ways to support mentees."

"Good hints and tips to structure sessions with mentees and how best to support them."

"I feel it has allowed me to reflect on my experiences and realise I do have alot of skills already to support apprentices and have now developed on these with this session. "

"It helped to understand what it is expected from mentors at the different stages of the apprenticeship."

"Listening is key, make time for mentee and stick to it. Be attentive and make arrangements for valuable experiences for them."

"That mentoring is about empowing the learner as much at it is about training. It is a two-way process."

"That communication is the key to managing apprentice, alongside good listening skills."



What Did You Enjoy Most About The Training?

"Having the time to properly explore the training." 

"The new ideas and the group discussions."

"The group discussions were very helpful!"

"I feel more motivated in myself. I want to continue bringing the best out of myself which will reflect on my new starters/apprentice staff."

"The trainers were positive and engaging."

"Not too long, good mix of listening and interacting."

"Interactive sessions, break out rooms and white boards were great for getting ideas from all of the group."

"I enjoyed the stop, start, continue activity. It helped me think from a different perspective."

"The group interaction."

"The allowed time for reflections."

"Hearing other's experiences."


Would You Like To Take Part In These Sessions?

We are hosting more of these sessions in future to help line managers support and mentor their apprentices. If you would be interested, you can book onto a session from our booking portal.


All of the Apprenticeships and Workshops we offer are purpose-built with accessibility and inclusion in mind. You can view our courses or contact us to find out more about how we can empower you or your workforce with apprenticeships or training programmes.

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Published by: Sam Moore

Job Title: Marketing Specialist

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