{% if PreviewText == null %} {% endif %}
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 Learner Details:

Name: {{title}} {{firstName}} {{lastName}}

Email: {{learnerContactEmailAddress}}

Phone: {{learnerContactNumber}}

Learner Standard: {{apprenticeshipStandard}}

Organisation Name: {{yourOrganisationName}}

Is This A New Employee?: {{isThisANewEmployee}}

Employment Contract Type: {{employmentContract}}

Does the learner have an Education Healthcare Plan?: {{healthcarePlan}}

Skills Scan Approver First Name: {{skillsScanFirstName}}

Skills Scan Approver Last Name: {{skillsScanLastName}}

Skills Scan Approver Email: {{skillsScanEmail}}
I confirm I have downloaded the below instruction pdf and sent to the applicant: {{confirm}}

© Dynamic Training UK Ltd

{% if UnsubscribeUrl != null %} | Afmelden {% endif %}